Sunlit Objects and Visibility of Stars

Generally, sunlit objects are far brighter than any stars. It is the reason stars are not visible in a lot of photographs showing sunlit objects unless the objects are overexposed and made much brighter than the correct exposure.

Flat-Earthers take the lack of stars in photographs as evidence of misconduct. They are wrong. If the primary object in the picture is sunlit, then in most cases, stars will not be visible.

If stars are not visible in a picture showing an open night sky, we can examine if there’s another object in the image which is lit by the Sun. Example: Moon or Earth under daylight, parts of spacecraft lit by the Sun or another planet in the Solar System. If there is such an object in the picture, and correctly exposed, then that is the reason stars are not visible. The exposure used to take the photo should not be that much different from ones used to take a picture on a bright sunny day.

To successfully take photographs of stars, we need to avoid having sunlit objects in the scene as much as possible. If it is not avoidable, then we have no choice but to make in overexposed, so that the much dimmer stars can be visible.
